Atlanta Botanical Garden

CPC institution Code: ATBG
Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii

The Atlanta Botanical Garden, a non-profit organization started by community volunteers in 1976, has grown to be one of the top cultural and botanical institutions in the Southeast. Its mission is to develop and maintain plant collections for display, education, research, conservation, and enjoyment. Located on 30 acres in midtown Atlanta, with an additional site 45 miles to the northeast in Gainesville, Georgia, the vision of the Atlanta Botanical Garden is to be an iconic destination and global leader, dynamically connecting people with plants in support of a thriving planet. The Atlanta Botanical Garden conducts its plant conservation efforts through the lens of the Southeastern Center for Conservation. The mission of the Center is to lead innovative strategies and partnerships to conserve imperiled plants and natural communities, carried out as it grows to become a local, regional, and international hub for the conservation of rare plants and ecosystems. This is achieved through collections management; interdisciplinary research; restoration of priority habitats; educational outreach; and the vigorous pursuit of collaborative opportunities.

Institution Species List Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Taxon Family Global Rank Legal Status Sponsorship Status
Arnoglossum diversifolium Asteraceae G2
Clematis socialis Ranunculaceae G1 LE
Conradina glabra Lamiaceae G1 LE
Elliottia racemosa Ericaceae G2
Euphorbia telephioides Euphorbiaceae G2 LT
Helonias bullata Liliaceae G3 LT
Linum westii Linaceae G1 UR
Marshallia mohrii Asteraceae G3 LT
Paxistima canbyi Celastraceae G2
Platanthera integrilabia Orchidaceae G2 LT
Rhododendron chapmanii Ericaceae G1 LE
Rhus michauxii Anacardiaceae G2 LE
Rhynchospora crinipes Cyperaceae G3
Sarracenia oreophila Sarraceniaceae G2 LE
Sarracenia rubra ssp. jonesii Sarraceniaceae G2 LE
Spiraea virginiana Rosaceae G2 LT
Taxus floridana Taxaceae G2
Eriocaulon nigrobracteatum Eriocaulaceae G1 UR
Thalictrum cooleyi Ranunculaceae G1 LE
Torreya taxifolia Taxaceae G1 LE Sponsored
Trillium persistens Melanthiaceae G1 LE Partially Sponsored
Chelone cuthbertii Scrophulariaceae G3
Dicerandra radfordiana Lamiaceae G1 Partially Sponsored
Coreopsis integrifolia Asteraceae G1 UR
Platanthera chapmanii Orchidaceae G2
Eurybia spinulosa Asteraceae G1
Sarracenia purpurea var. montana Sarraceniaceae T1 UR
Arnoglossum album Asteraceae G1
Calopogon multiflorus Orchidaceae G2
Paronychia chartacea ssp. minima Caryophyllaceae T1
Ptilimnium ahlesii Apiaceae G1
Liatris gholsonii Asteraceae G1
Tsuga caroliniana Pinaceae G2 UR
Sarracenia purpurea var. venosa Sarraceniaceae
Coreopsis bakeri Asteraceae G1
Epidendrum floridense Orchidaceae
Astragalus obcordatus Fabaceae G3

Conservation Contacts

Mary Pat Matheson
President and CEO
Emily E. D. Coffey, Ph.D.
Vice President of Conservation and Research
Laurie Blackmore
Conservation & Research Manager
Carrie Radcliffe
Conservation Partnerships Manager
Jason Ligon
Conservation Seedbank and Micropropagation Coordinator
Senior Conservation Horticulturist
Amanda Carmichael
Conservation Genetics Laboratory Manager
Lauren Eserman
Research Scientist - Genetics
John Evans
Conservation & Research Horticulture Manager
Liz Miller
GEBF Field Biologist - Deer Lake State Park
Ian Sabo
Senior Field Biologist
Kelly Coles
Gulf Coast Manager
Jeff Talbert
GEBF Project Coordinator - Deer Lake State Park
Loy Xingwen
Research Scientist - Community Ecology
Jonathan Gore
Conservation Database Coordinator
Sarah Norris
Conservation Partnership Assistant
Jean Linsky
Magnolia Conservation Coordinator
Madison Ohmen
Conservation Horticulturist
Caitlin Crocker
EPA Project Field Biologist
Maria Vogel
Scientific Executive Assistant
Grant Morton
Conservation Seedbank Curator
Sandee Phillips
Grants and Contracts Analyst
Joe Stockert
Field Biologist
Jessica Boatwright
Marketing coordinator
Tanner Biggers
Conservation Safeguarding Nursery Manager
Qiansheng Li
Conservation Research Scientist (In vitro)
Conservation Contacts ADD NEW DELETE ALL Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Name Title Group Phone Email Privacy Settings Priority Contact ID Priority Input
President and CEO 1
Vice President of Conservation and Research 2
Conservation & Research Manager 3
Conservation Partnerships Manager 4
Conservation Seedbank and Micropropagation Coordinator 5
Senior Conservation Horticulturist 6
Conservation Genetics Laboratory Manager 7
Research Scientist - Genetics 8
Conservation & Research Horticulture Manager 9
GEBF Field Biologist - Deer Lake State Park 10
Senior Field Biologist 11
Gulf Coast Manager 12
GEBF Project Coordinator - Deer Lake State Park 13
Research Scientist - Community Ecology 14
Conservation Database Coordinator 15
Conservation Partnership Assistant 16
Magnolia Conservation Coordinator 17
Conservation Horticulturist 18
EPA Project Field Biologist 19
Scientific Executive Assistant 20
Conservation Seedbank Curator 21
Grants and Contracts Analyst 22
Field Biologist 23
Marketing coordinator 24
Conservation Safeguarding Nursery Manager 100
Conservation Research Scientist (In vitro) 100