IMLS Seed Longevity Study: Researching the Aging of Rare Plant Seeds

Dr. Christina Walters and Lisa Hill, National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation, Fort Collins Because research has shown that seeds will last best when stored at a relative humidity(RH) of 15-25% it is important to understand how the initial RH will respond to temperature changes. In this video, Lisa Hill of the National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation […]
Seana Walsh, Dustin Wolkis, and Ken Wood, National Tropical Botanical Garden Phyllostegia electra (Lamiaceae) is endemic to the mesic and wet forests of Kaua’i. It is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and is a focal species for achieving conservation objectives outlined in the Hawai’i Strategy for Plant Conservation. […]
The Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) is in the process of constructing a seed conservation laboratory and seed bank. While BRIT has been active in conservation for decades and has partnered with regional seed banks to conserve rare species, BRIT has never had a dedicated seed laboratory on site. The goal of the BRIT […]