Collaborating to Conserve Genetic Diversity of Widespread Species Threatened by Emergent Pathogens: Sassafras Germplasm Project

US National Arboretum, American Public Gardens Association’s Plant Collections Network, and National Laboratory for Genetic Resource Preservation (NLGRP) are working together to conserve the genetic diversity of Sassafras albidum, a widespread species in the Eastern US, under threat from Laurel Wilt Disease. This vascular disease introduced a decade ago in Georgia can be lethal to […]

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Why does CPC recommend drying seeds at 25-35% RH and 25C for long term storage in the freezer?

Screenshot of Why does CPC recommend drying seeds at 25-35% RH and 25C for long term storage in the freezer?

Dr. Christina Walters and Lisa Hill, National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation, Fort Collins Because research has shown that seeds will last best when stored at a relative humidity(RH) of 15-25% it is important to understand how the initial RH will respond to temperature changes. In this video, Lisa Hill of the National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation […]

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