As Seen on CPC’s Rare Plant Academy: Using Ex Situ Collections to Test Mating Systems – Brighamia insignis

Ben Nyberg, National Tropical Botanical Garden Understanding the distribution and abundance of rare plant populations is a critical first step to their conservation. In the past few years, botanists and technology specialists at the National Tropical Botanical Garden have been working together on drone methodology to survey the extreme cliff ecosystems of Kauai. 2020 was an […]
Nina Rønsted, National Tropical Botanical Garden Climate can play a critical role in plant physiological processes at all life stages, but investigations into climate effects often focus on only adult life stages. However, climate can influence seed development and germination, which can in turn strongly affect community dynamics. Native Hawaiian Metrosideros spp. (Myrtaceae; ʻōhi‘a,; 13 […]