Capsules of Hypericum edisonianum mature sporadically, making field collection of seed difficult. By bagging immature fruit, seed can be captured as they mature. […]
Conservation Collection
An ex situ (offsite) collection of seeds, plant tissues, or whole plants that supports species’ survival and reduces the extinction risk of globally and/or regionally rare species. A conservation collection has accurate records of provenance, maternal lines differentiated, and diverse genetic representation of a species’ wild populations. To be most useful for species survival in the wild, a conservation collection should have depth, meaning that it contains seeds, tissues or whole plants of at least 50 unrelated mother plants, and breadth, meaning it consists of accessions from multiple populations across the range of the species. Conservation collections should have tests of initial germination and viability, cultivation protocols developed, and periodic testing of long-term viability. A conservation collection differs from a horticultural collection, which may have few genetically unique individuals, or is solely comprised of unusual appearing forms.
Hypericum edisonianum dominated marsh
Hypericum edisonianum has a narrow range in Florida, but where it occurs, it can dominate depression marshes. […]
Hypericum edisonianum capsule
Mature capsule of Hypericum edisonianum as it is just starting to dehisce. […]
Hypericum edisonianum flowers
Hypericum edisonianum flowers typically have four petals, but occasionally have five. […]
Hypericum edisonianum in situ
Hypericum edisonianum shrubs are found in seasonal depression marshes of south, central Florida and can grow to almost 2 meters tall. […]
Liatris savannensis seed collection
Seed collection bags help to capture seeds in case of wind or rain that might disperse them. […]
Liatris savannensis flowers
Phyllaries with obtuse apices help to distinguish this species of Liatris in southwest Florida. […]
All in the family – the case for collecting by maternal lines

Conservation seed collections support species’ survival by acting as an insurance policy in the face of extinction. They can also provide resources for research, restoration and reintroduction. A high-quality conservation seed collection has both depth and breadth – capturing genetic diversity within and geographic diversity among populations. Collecting and storing seeds by maternal line (i.e., […]
What is a Conservation Collection?

Christa Horn and Joyce Maschinski, San Diego Zoo Global and Center for Plant Conservation The primary purpose of a conservation collection is to support species’ survival and reduce the extinction risk of globally and/or regionally rare species. A conservation collection is an ex situ (offsite) collection of seeds, plant tissues, or whole plants that has […]
Seed Sampling Improvements for Quercus boyntonii

Sean Hoban, Emma Spence, and Patrick Thompson, The Morton Arboretum The Morton Arboretum seeks to improve the conservation value and genetic representation in ex situ collections by developing guidance for sampling seed. One example regards IUCN Critically Endangered Quercus boyntonii (Boynton sand post oak), which is endemic to Alabama and only occurs on exposed sandstone […]
Strategizing Collections with Genetic Research Montgomery Botanical Center
