Tools and Resources for Endangered and Exceptional Plant Species (TREES)

Screenshot of Tools and Resources for Endangered and Exceptional Plant Species (TREES) video

Zoe Diaz-Martin, Chicago Botanic Garden As global biodiversity continues to decline, how can we ensure the long-term conservation of exceptional plant species? Our collaborative project is addressing this question by developing tools and resources that will position botanic gardens as key players in global plant conservation. In adopting the successful framework used in the zoological community, […]

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Strategies for Plant Conservation: Progress Since 2011 and Targets for 2030

Screenshot of Strategies for Plant Conservation video.

Abby Meyer, Botanic Gardens Conservation International, U.S. Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) mobilizes the global botanic garden community to conserve plant species. BGCI reports to the United Nations on progress made toward the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). The GSPC, as well as the North American Botanic Garden Strategy for Plant Conservation, serve as […]

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