Seabeach amaranth growing for seed amplification to produce fresh seed for the IMLS seed longevity project […]
Amaranthus pumilus
November News 2022

On the Run: Recovering a Fugitive Species

Planting Amaranthus pumilus
The team lead by North Carolina Botanical Garden planting Seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) as part of a reintroduction initiative. […]
Amaranthus pumilus seedling.
Amaranthus pumilus seedling. […]
Bringing Back a Fugitive

Seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) is a federally threatened, fugitive annual species found on barrier islands off Atlantic coast from South Carolina to Massachusetts. Beginning in the 1980s, the North Carolina Botanical Garden (NCBG) has worked to secure ex situ seed collections. Surveys for seabeach amaranth conducted in the late 1990s returned counts of >200,000 individuals […]
Amaranthus pumilus (Seabeach Amaranth) planting
Amaranthus pumilus (Seabeach Amaranth) planting with NC Botanical Garden and National Park Service. […]
Amaranthus pumilus
Amaranthus pumilus (Seabeach Amaranth) precise planting of tiny seeds. […]
Increasing Seed for Restoration of Rare Annuals

Michael Kunz, North Carolina Botanical Garden Populations of rare plants can fail to produce enough, or any, seed to support reintroduction efforts. This is particularly true for rapidly declining or recently extirpated species or populations. One solution to this problem is to increase the number of seeds through ex situ propagation and seed collection. Amaranthus pumilus is a federally endangered […]
Dune Plants Germinating Along the Eastern Seaboard
