Mincy Moffett, Jr., Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Conservation Section State Wildlife Action Plans (SWAPs) are multi-year strategies in which every U.S. state and territory assesses the health of its wildlife and lays out steps for conserving it over the long term. These plans establish a framework for conservation efforts that aim to protect […]
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Dr. Elizabeth Crisfield and Karen Terwilliger, Strategic Stewardship Initiative State boundaries have always been invisible to biota. But now, as climate change shifts climatic regimes over the landscape, as more invasive species become established, as people move native and exotic species from place to place – regional collaborative conservation across state lines is needed more […]
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Dr. Jon Ambrose, Georgia DNR, Chief of Wildlife Conservation All state wildlife agencies in the Southeast have developed State Wildlife Action Plans, strategic plans for conservation of rare or declining species and their habitats. Some states have included plants as species of greatest conservation need, and others are considering doing so in the next revision […]
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