SeppCon 2024: Conservation Collections Development

SeppCon 2024: Conservation Collections Development   Collaborative Conservation for Florida’s Rare Plant Species: Seedbanking and the Florida Plant Rescue Initiative Tina Stanley* (1), Hanna Rosner-Katz (2) (1) Center for Plant Conservation, (2) Florida Natural Areas Inventory Florida is home to over 200 species of globally rare plants, many of which have never been secured in […]

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How Pollination Ecology Can Improve Recovery of the Southeast’s Threatened Flowering Plants

Screenshot of How Pollination Ecology Can Improve Recovery of the Southeast’s Threatened Flowering Plants video

Gavin Shotts, Department of Biological Sciences, Auburn University Bashira Chowdhury, Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology, Auburn University Producing seeds is critical to maintaining sustainable populations and adaptive genetic diversity for the Southeast’s threatened flowering plants. Seed production often depends on adequate pollination, which is a frequent concern for threatened plants, and addressing pollination problems […]

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