Tetrazolium Chloride Testing to Establish Seed Viability

Screen shot from Atlanta Botanical Garden's video on using Tetrazolium Chloride testing to establish seed viability

Understanding what percentage of a seed collection is viable is of utmost importance. Generally germination trials will be conducted on seed, however in instances where germination tests are not ideal, other methods might also be used to ascertain viability. Tetrazolium chloride is a chemical that is used to stain seed, allowing the researcher to determine […]

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Seed viability Hawai‘i’s foundational-ʻōhi‘ trees linked environmental variables

Nina Rønsted, National Tropical Botanical Garden Climate can play a critical role in plant physiological processes at all life stages, but investigations into climate effects often focus on only adult life stages. However, climate can influence seed development and germination, which can in turn strongly affect community dynamics. Native Hawaiian Metrosideros spp. (Myrtaceae; ʻōhi‘a,; 13 […]

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