A fruiting Forestiera godfreyi is pictured. […]
seed collection
Carex lutea – reproductive
A reproductive Carex lutea in May is pictured along a wet ditch. […]
Cuphea aspera flowers and seeds
Cuphea aspera flowering in May and seeds collected in July. […]
Sarracenia rubra sp. gulfensis habitat, flowers, and seeds
Sarracenia rubra sp. gulfensis populations were visited at Blackwater River State Forest by the Atlanta Botanical Garden in May, June, and November 2024. Sites were seepage slopes or streamside bogs, pictured here. Plants at the streamside bog had long flowering stalks, with multiple stalks arising from a single point. Seeds were collected in November and […]
Macbridea alba – flowering, seedheads, and vivipary
Macbridea alba maturing seedheads; flowering; and vivipary on seedhead. This species is known to exhibit germination occurring directly on seedheads, and this was observed by ABG during seed collections. […]
Hymenocallis henryae var. henryae fruits and flower
Hymenocallis henryae flowering in May; maturing capsules in June; and mature green fruits in July. Note the soft, brown, rotten fruit. In this species, maturity of seeds is marked by bright green, hard to the touch seeds. […]
Rhexia parviflora flowering
Rhexia parviflora in flower in June. Note the sparsely pubescent stem, presence of petioles, and the anthers which are longer than the filaments. […]
10 Percent Rule for Rare Plant Seed Collection without Endangering Plant Populations

When making conservation seed collections, preventing harm to the wild population of the focal species is a top priority. The “10 percent rule” aims to tackle this concern, balancing ex situ conservation seed collections and wild population survival, and this rule is central to the Center for Plant Conservation Best Plant Conservation Practices to Support […]
Chipola Dye-Flower: Coreopsis integrifolia
These plants spread easily because of their stoloniferous growing habit. This Coreopsis may form dense colonies in optimum growing conditions, but is not considered to be invasive. The areas searched in 2023 had dense, sporadic colonies throughout this stretch of the river. […]
Buds, Flowers, and Fruits galore!
The Boynton’s False Foxglove is a dainty plant.
Arnoglossum album (bracts)
The bracts are in the budding stage with no observable flowers. These plants can grow up to 40 inches tall with this one being on the smaller side of about 30 inches tall. […]
Arnoglossum album (fruit)
This species’ flowers and bracts are clustered and held at the top of the stem with about 4-5 heads per stem off of the main stem. There are usually around 5 bracts per head. […]
Variable Leaf Plantain (Arnoglossum diversifolium)
Florida Milkvetch In Flower
The light purple flowers of the Florida Milkvetch grow in tiny clusters at the tip of the stems. The leaf arrangement is opposite and the leaves are shaped like tiny hearts. Many of these clusters were no bigger than two hands side-by-side. […]
As Seen on CPC’s Rare Plant Academy: Assessing Sites In the Field before Conservation Seed Collection

Ready yet?
Sarracenia purpurea var. montana seeds ready to collect. […]
Prehistoric seed collectors?
NCBG Technicians Madison Ohmen and Aria Searles collecting Oxypolis canbyi seed in a Taxodium dominated Carolina Bay. […]