Mature seeds of Geum geniculatum (bent avens). […]
North Carolina
NCBG intern Joshua Pil collects seeds of Geum geniculatum
NCBG intern Joshua Pil collects seeds of Geum geniculatum (bent avens) along a high elevation stream as part of the IMLS seed longevity study. […]
Ecologist Mike Kunz (NCBG) collects seeds of Sand Myrtle at Grandfather Mountain, NC.
Ecologist Mike Kunz (NCBG) collects seeds of Sand Myrtle at Grandfather Mountain, NC. […]
Ecologist Mike Kunz (NCBG) collects seeds of Sand Myrtle at Grandfather Mountain, NC. […]
NCBG intern Ashley Boyette collects seeds of Sand Myrtle for the IMLS seed longevity project. […]
Flowers of Sand Myrtle […]
Capsules of Sand Myrtle […]
Solidago plumosa (Yadkin River Goldenrod) in fruit in the rocky scour of the Yadkin River, NC. […]
Range-wide Ex Situ Seed Conservation and Population Genetic Architecture Analysis in Venus Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)

Dr. Johnny Randall, North Carolina Botanical Garden The infamous Venus flytrap, Dionaea muscipula, found across North Carolina and into South Carolina, has been seen to be declining in recent years. It is currently under review for federal listing, is ranked G2 on NatureServe, and considered vulnerable by RedList. Threats to this charismatic plant include poaching, […]
Recognizing the Significant Role Ex Situ Conservation Collections Play in Preventing Plant Extinctions

Wesley M. Knapp, North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Preventing extinction is the lowest bar for conservation success we can set and the roll of ex situ conservation efforts in preventing extinction is becoming more significant. Continued work to document the extinct plants of North America north of Mexico has resulted in the discovery that up […]
Ex Situ Conservation Guidelines: Linking Ex-Situ Collections to In-Situ Conservation Actions

Johnny reviews the Center for Plant Conservation best practices related to the link between ex situ and in situ actions. Ex situ collections held as seeds or whole plants can help with research on germination or cultivation and reintroductions to the wild. He discusses clues that may trigger ex situ action, reviews the organizations that help […]
Planting in a Riparian System

Johnny Randall, North Carolina Botanical Garden This video reviews an experimental technique that refines optimal practice for planting the federally endangered harperella (Ptilimnium nodosum) along a river. After selecting a suitable site, obtaining permission, and propagating many plants, North Carolina Botanical Garden staff and volunteers planted 70 seedlings planted into replicated plots of terracell, coir, […]
Range-wide Ex Situ Seed Conservation and Population Genetic Architecture Analysis in Venus Flytrap

Johnny Randall and Michael Kunz (North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and Jamie Winshell, Corbin D. Jones and Gregory P. Copenhaver (Department of Biology and Integrative Program for Biological & Genome Sciences,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) Venus’ flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is the most widely recognized carnivorous plant, and […]