As the endangered species capital of the world, Hawaii has over 300 listed species, over 100 of which occur on US Army Garrison Hawaii lands (USAG-HI), the most of any Department of Defense installation nationwide. Through a cooperative agreement with the University of Hawaii, the US Army Natural Resources Program on Oahu (ANRPO) manages over […]
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For more than 25 years the State Botanical Garden of Georgia (SBG), and our partners in the Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance (GPCA), have been working to augment natural populations of imperiled species across Georgia by propagating plants and returning them to strategically selected sites in situ for conservation purposes. Additionally, we work with landowners, public […]
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Linum carteri var. carteri is an annual plant endemic to Miami-Dade County. Like other annual plants, it has the potential to produce hundreds of seeds that help ensure its next generation. […]
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