Seeds were set aside for germination testing and tetrazolium staining. […]
germination test
In vitro, symbiotic germination of Platanthera species for conservation efforts

Ashley Clayton and Peter Zale, Longwood Gardens At the Valmont Bog in Hazelton, PA, there are populations of three, state-listed taxa of Platanthera: P. ciliaris, P. blephariglottis, and P. xbicolor, a natural hybrid of the other two species. They are threatened by forest succession, climate change, silt-laden runoff, and herbicide spraying. However, as is the […]
How to Test Seeds for Germination

Germination Testing Program Cheryl Birker, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden The California Seed Bank at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden has a germination testing program to monitor the viability of its many conservation seed collections. Germination tests are conducted on all incoming seed collections before they are placed in freezer storage, and for all rare […]
If you want to make an omelette: using cutting tests to estimate viability in Ziziphus celata (Rhamnaceae)

Philip Gonsiska,Bok Tower Gardens Ziziphus celata is an endangered shrub endemic to Polk and Highlands Counties in central Florida. Germination in this species has generally been very low, and previous observations have suggested that upwards of 75% of seeds set by Z. celata may not be viable. In January 2019, cutting tests were conducted to […]
Penstemon peckii Soil Seed Bank Study at 25 Years

Ed Guerrant, Rae Selling Berry Seed Bank Penstemon peckii (G3-S3 Federal SOC) is an Oregon endemic with a relatively compact range in the semi-arid Ponderosa pine forest east of the Cascade Mountains. The vast majority of known populations (ca 93%) are almost entirely within the Sisters Ranger District of the Deschutes National Forest. A 1992 […]
In Vitro Seed Germination and Seedling Development of Spiranthes Casei for Ex Situ Conservation

Peter Zale and Matt Taylor, Longwood Gardens Several species of Spiranthes native to the Eastern U.S. are considered rare, threatened or endangered by federal and state agencies. Using the Pennsylvania endangered Spiranthes casei as a model species, experiments were designed to determine optimal conditions for in vitro seed germination and seedling development. Seeds were collected […]