Ex situ Conservation and Ontogenesis of Torreya taxifolia Embryos

Screenshot of Ex situ Conservation and Ontogenesis of Torreya taxifolia Embryos video

Neusa Steiner, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Emily Coffey, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Jason Ligon, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Lisa Hill, USDA-ARS, Emma Dorr, USDA-ARS, Laurie Blackmore, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Christina Walters, USDA-ARS Torreya taxifolia Arn (Taxaceae) is an ancestral evergreen tree on the brink of extinction. This dioecious plant is found in the Florida panhandle and is threatened by a fungal pathogen. […]

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Seedbanking of Scotts Valley Polygonum

Screenshot from Seedbanking of Scotts Valley Polygonum video

Holly Forbes, University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley Polygonum hickmanii (Scotts Valley polygonum) is a small annual species in the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae) restricted to a small area of Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz County, California. Populations have historically occurred across three privately owned properties. Population numbers were critically low in 2009 when the 5-Year Review […]

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