Best Practices Enhance Atlanta Botanical Garden’s Legacy Work with Mountain Bogs

April Punsalan, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service April Punsalan describes work that Jason Ayers has done with the South Coastal Program in South Carolina protecting and restoring wetland ecosystems. […]
Laramie Smith, University of Georgia Dr. James Affolter, State Botanical Garden of Georgia and Department of Horticulture at the University of Georgia As the herbal supplement and alternative health industries grow, foraging for wild medicinals is becoming a more common and profitable phenomenon. In addition to the financial incentive to harvest non-timber forest products (NTFPs), […]
From the SePPCon 2020 conference, three inspiring videos: The Southeastern Grasslands Initiative Dr. Dwayne Estes, Southeastern Grasslands Initiative Featuring Dwayne Estes, SGI Director, and Theo Witsell, SGI Chief Ecologist. Filmed and edited by Pamela Pasco. This 15-minute video takes you on a journey across the Southeast and through time, to learn more about the habitats […]
Safeguarding Mountain Bog and the Mountain Purple Pitcher Plant Carrie Radcliffe, Atlanta Botanical Garden (SePPCon 2016) Wetland species are particularly at high risk of extinction. The Mountain Bog Safeguarding is a Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance signature project that seeks to safeguard bog endemics from one of the rarest habitats in Georgia. This entails conservation horticulture, research, […]
Building Capacity in Plant Conservation Mary Pfaffko, Georgia Department of Natural Resources & Georgia Plant Conservation Alliance (SePPCon 2016) Mary Pfafftko, Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division emphasizes that the plant conservation needs can only be done with partnerships. She reviews the key elements of  State Wildlife Action Plans: species of greatest conservation need, […]
The extremely rare pine snake’s return to the region has been credited to the habitat restoration efforts implemented to support smooth coneflower. Here Clemson University graduate student Brian Hudson holds a male pine snake. […]
Jennifer Ceska, Heather Alley, Jim Affolter, and Jenny Cruse-Sanders, The State Botanical Garden of Georgia The Connect to Protect for Biodiversity philosophy and the educational and horticultural methodology launched in Georgia in 2014 from Athens and has spread like a Monarchs on the wing across the entire state since. Georgia gardeners have tremendous opportunity to […]
Emily Coffey, Atlanta Botanical Garden In October 2018, the Florida panhandle and southwest Georgia were devastated by Hurricane Michael, a Category 4 hurricane with wind bursts up to 200 mph. The entire native range for the critically endangered Florida Torreya (Torreya taxifolia) lay within the hurricane’s path. Initial reports from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife […]
Emily E. D. Coffey, Ph.D., Atlanta Botanical Garden Torreya taxifolia, known as the Florida Torreya, is one of the rarest conifers in the world. Once found as a canopy tree, Torreya is an evergreen dioecious tree endemic to a narrow range of bluffs and ravines adjacent to the Apalachicola River in northwest Florida and extreme […]
Jennifer Ceska,Jenny Cruse Sanders, Jim Affolter, Heather Alley, Linda Chafin and Emily Coffey,The State Botanical Garden of Georgia A tall and elegant wildflower, Smooth Coneflower was dwindling to extinction on Georgia’s roadsides where seed heads and whole plants were poached or killed by roadside maintenance. With her Master’s thesis demonstrating that endangered plants could be […]