SePPCon 2024: Protection, Endemism, & Capacity Enhancement

SePPCon 2024: Protection, Endemism, & Capacity Enhancement   Land Trusts and Private Lands: Preserving Biodiversity Through In-Situ Conservation Sara Johnson*, North American Land Trust Habitat loss is the number one threat to biodiversity worldwide, and land protection is our most effective tool for immediate impact. With around 60% of land in the United States under […]

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Why does CPC recommend drying seeds at 25-35% RH and 25C for long term storage in the freezer?

Screenshot of Why does CPC recommend drying seeds at 25-35% RH and 25C for long term storage in the freezer?

Dr. Christina Walters and Lisa Hill, National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation, Fort Collins Because research has shown that seeds will last best when stored at a relative humidity(RH) of 15-25% it is important to understand how the initial RH will respond to temperature changes. In this video, Lisa Hill of the National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation […]

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Ethics and Best Practices for Plant Conservation in Botanical Gardens

Screenshot from Ethics and Best Practices for Plant Conservation in Botanical Gardens video

Joyce Maschinski, San Diego Zoo Global and Center for Plant Conservation (SePPCon 2016) Joyce reviews the ethical considerations guiding our plant conservation professional conduct. Within the CPC, we have found that some actions are widely accepted standards, while others are context-specific and debated. CPC advises that practitioners are mindful of their institutional codes in collection […]

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