University Of Washington Botanic Gardens

CPC institution Code: CUH
Delphinium viridescens

The University of Washington Botanic Gardens manages the 10-acre Center for Urban Horticulture, the 65-acre Union Bay Natural Area, the 200-acre Washington Park Arboretum, the Elisabeth C. Miller Library, and the Otis Douglas Hyde Herbarium, plus research laboratories, greenhouses, teaching classrooms, and conference facilities. UW Botanic Gardens is administered by the University of Washington through its School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. The mission of UW Botanic Gardens is \"Sustaining managed to natural ecosystems and the human spirit through plant research, display, and education.\" UW Botanic Gardens Washington Rare Plant Care and Conservation Program is dedicated to conserving Washington's native rare plants through methods including ex situ conservation, rare plant monitoring, reintroduction, and education.

Institution Species List Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Taxon Family Global Rank Legal Status Sponsorship Status
Sericocarpus rigidus Asteraceae G3
Astragalus cottonii Fabaceae G2
Astragalus sinuatus Fabaceae G1 Sponsored
Castilleja levisecta Orobanchaceae G2 LT Sponsored
Delphinium viridescens Ranunculaceae G2 Sponsored
Erigeron basalticus Asteraceae G2
Hackelia venusta Boraginaceae G1 LE Sponsored
Polemonium pectinatum Polemoniaceae G2
Sidalcea oregana var. calva Malvaceae T1 LE Sponsored
Silene spaldingii Caryophyllaceae G2 LT
Trifolium thompsonii Fabaceae G2
Silene seelyi Caryophyllaceae G3
Trifolium douglasii Fabaceae G3
Physaria douglasii ssp. tuplashensis Brassicaceae T1 LT
Eriogonum codium Polygonaceae G1 LT
Pyrrocoma liatriformis Asteraceae
Micranthes tischii Saxifragaceae G2
Lomatium knokei Apiaceae G1
Anemone patens var. multifida Ranunculaceae T5
Carex comosa Cyperaceae G5

Conservation Contacts

Wendy Gibble
Associate Director
Maureen Black
Marketing and Events Manager
Andrea Cummins
Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator
Christina Owen, PhD
Alexandra Howell
Research Scientist
Andrea Cummins
Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator
Conservation Contacts ADD NEW DELETE ALL Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Name Title Group Phone Email Privacy Settings Priority Contact ID Priority Input
Associate Director 1
Marketing and Events Manager 2
Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator 3
Director 4
Research Scientist 5
Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator 100