Material Transfer Agreement
The agreement that CPC has with the Resources Preservation Unit - Seeds of the National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation, Fort Collins, Colorado, to store national collection rare plant seed accessions in long-term black-box storage.
Material Transfer Research Agreement
The agreement that CPC has with the Plant Germplasm Preservation Research Unit of the National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation, Fort Collins, Colorado, to conduct research on and store national collection rare plant seed accessions long-term.
maternal lines
The offspring (seeds or plants) from a single mother plant are distinguished with unique identifying number, stored in a separate package, and labeled if grown in a nursery. Knowing the number of maternal lines in a conservation collection is an estimate of the genetic diversity represented.
maternal plants
Individual plants producing seeds. Keeping track of seeds from each maternal plant allows for estimates of genetic diversity in a collection and allows for maintaining even representation of maternal lines while growing the accession in the garden’s nursery or reintroducing to the wild.
mating system
The way that plants produce seeds. Some plants can produce seeds in multiple ways, while others are restricted to a single mating system. The types of mating system include outcrossing or cross-pollination (a flower receives pollen from another plant of the same species), autogamy or self-fertilization (a flower receives pollen from the same plant) and apomixis (asexual reproduction without fertilization that is only possible with evolution of a modified flower). Mixed mating systems, in which plants use two or even all three mating systems, are not uncommon.
A group of spatially separated populations of the same species that interact (for example, the interaction can be pollen or seeds moving between plant populations).
metapopulation dynamics
A change across time within a group of separated but interacting populations that influence the overall persistence of a species.
Small, localized wells or depressions around a plant that serve to gather and hold water. These are recommended for plants or seeds installed in dry habitats.
Very localized abiotic (soil, light, and moisture) and biotic (associated plants, insects, and other animals). The nature of a microhabitat may greatly influence seedling and adult plant growth and survival. See also microsite(s).
In vitro; plant tissues grown on nutritional medium in a sterile humid glass or plastic container.
microsatellite markers
Genetic markers consisting of a series of short repeating base pairs of DNA that are variable within populations and can be used to identify individuals or species, or evaluate structure and gene flow between populations.
Very localized abiotic (soil, light, and moisture) and biotic (associated plants, insects, and other animals). The nature of a microhabitat may greatly influence seedling and adult plant growth and survival. See also microhabitat(s).
In the context of CPC protocols, mitigation is a legal term for an action that is taken to offset the adverse impacts of development on U.S. listed species. For example, a parcel land where a species occurs may be preserved as mitigation for developing a portion of the species’ habitat.
moisture content
The percentage of water in seed. %Moisture content = ((Weight of fresh sample – Weight of dry sample)/ weight of fresh sample) x 100. The target moisture for storing seeds equals no more than 25% RH (lower risk of failure) and no less than 10% RH (higher risk of failure) at the intended storage temperature.
Having flowers with only one sex (male or female) or flowers of both sexes carried on a single plant.
Millennium Seed Bank Partnership
mycorrhizal inoculum
A fungi that forms a symbiotic relationship with a plant’s roots and increases water and nutrient absorption.