Marie Selby Botanical Gardens

CPC institution Code: SELB
Lomariopsis kunzeana

Marie Selby Botanical Gardens provides 45 acres of bayfront sanctuaries connecting people with air plants of the world, native nature, and our regional history. Established by forward thinking women of their time, Selby Gardens is composed of the 15-acre Downtown Sarasota campus and the 30-acre Historic Spanish Point campus in the Osprey area of Sarasota County, Florida. The Downtown Campus on Sarasota Bay is the only botanical garden in the world dedicated to the display and study of epiphytic orchids, bromeliads, gesneriads and ferns, and other tropical plants. There is a significant focus on botany, horticulture, education, historical preservation, and the environment. The Historic Spanish Point (HSP) Campus is located less than 10 miles south along Little Sarasota Bay. The HSP Campus, one of the largest preserves showcasing native Florida plants that is interpreted for and open to the public, celebrates an archaeological record that encompasses approximately 5,000 years of Florida history.

Institution Species List Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Taxon Family Global Rank Legal Status Sponsorship Status
Harrisia fragrans Cactaceae G1 LE
Harrisia aboriginum Cactaceae G1 LE
Hypericum edisonianum Clusiaceae G2 UR
Pritchardia schattaueri Arecaceae G1 LE
Roystonea elata Arecaceae G2
Lomariopsis kunzeana Dryopteridaceae G3
Pilosocereus robinii Cactaceae G1 LE
Guaiacum sanctum Zygophyllaceae G2
Asimina manasota Annonaceae G1
Rhynchospora megaplumosa Cyperaceae G2
Liatris savannensis Asteraceae

Conservation Contacts

Bruce Holst
Vice President for Botany
Shawn McCourt
Curator of the Living Collection
John L. Clark
Research Botanist
Yuley Encarnación
Assistant Herbarium Curator
Conservation Contacts ADD NEW DELETE ALL Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Name Title Group Phone Email Privacy Settings Priority Contact ID Priority Input
Vice President for Botany 1
Curator of the Living Collection 2
Chief Operating Officer 3
Research Botanist 4
Director of Creative Services 5
Vice President for Strategic Communications and Marketing 6
Assistant Herbarium Curator 7