St. George Village Botanical Garden

CPC institution Code: STG
Solanum conocarpum

St. George Village Botanical Garden of St. Croix in the Virgin Islands is located on a sixteen acre site just off the Queen Mary Highway. The botanical collections, including over 1500 native and exotic species and varieties, are established in and around the restored buildings and stabilized ruins of a 19th century Danish sugar cane plantation. St. George offers island visitors and residents a unique blend of St.Croix's botanical, historical, and cultural heritage.

Institution Species List Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Taxon Family Global Rank Legal Status Sponsorship Status
Agave eggersiana Asparagaceae G1 LE
Caesalpinia monensis Fabaceae G1
Harrisia portoricensis Cactaceae G1 LT
Malpighia infestissima Malpighiaceae G2
Solanum conocarpum Solanaceae G1 LE
Tillandsia lineatispica Bromeliaceae G1
Coccoloba rugosa Polygonaceae G2
Catesbaea melanocarpa Rubiaceae G1 LE
Leptocereus grantianus Cactaceae G1 LE

Conservation Contacts

Becca Mendelson Hughson
Director of Administration, Development, Marketing, and Events
Isidor Ruderfer
Director of Horticulture and Facilities
Conservation Contacts ADD NEW DELETE ALL Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Name Title Group Phone Email Privacy Settings Priority Contact ID Priority Input
Director of Administration, Development, Marketing, and Events 1
Director of Horticulture and Facilities 100