Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

CPC institution Code: LBJWC
Streptanthus bracteatus

The University of Texas at Austin Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is the State Botanic Garden and Arboretum of Texas. The Center is dedicated to inspiring the conservation of native plants, and its gardens and arboretum display native plants from across Texas, serving as a model for creating beautiful, sustainable landscapes. The Center has guided the development of urban and rural landscapes across the U.S. that incorporate native prairies, green roofs, rainwater harvesting and other sustainable features. It operates Native Plants of North America, which includes profiles and photos of thousands of the native plants of North American north of Mexico, and has set aside millions of seeds from Texas native plants for future generations and restoration activities. In addition to educating children and adults about native plants and training citizen scientists to identify and report invasive species, the Center led the development of SITES®, a sustainable landscape rating system now used worldwide.

Institution Species List Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Taxon Family Global Rank Legal Status Sponsorship Status
Callirhoe scabriuscula Malvaceae G2 LE
Quercus hinckleyi Fagaceae G2 LT Sponsored
Salvia penstemonoides Lamiaceae G1 UR Sponsored
Streptanthus bracteatus Brassicaceae G1 PT
Styrax platanifolius ssp. texanus Styracaceae T1 LE Sponsored
Pediomelum humile Fabaceae G1
Croton alabamensis var. texensis Euphorbiaceae T2

Conservation Contacts

Lee Clippard
Executive Director
Sean Griffin
Director of Science and Conservation
Jonathan Flickinger
Conservation Collections Manager
Jessi White
Seed Bank Coordinator
Conservation Contacts ADD NEW DELETE ALL Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Name Title Group Phone Email Privacy Settings Priority Contact ID Priority Input
Executive Director 1
Director of Science and Conservation 2
Executive Assistant 4
Director of Marketing & Communications 5
Director of Finance 6
Conservation Collections Manager 100
Seed Bank Coordinator 100