CPC Best Plant Conservation Practices
to Support Species Survival in the Wild
to Support Species Survival in the Wild
Assessing the genetic diversity of wild populations can reveal insights about the biology of the species, however genetic studies can be expensive and may not always be necessary. They can include either molecular work (genotyping, sequencing, genome or ploidy analysis) or common garden studies. These types of studies are advisable before collecting a rare species or before conducting a reintroduction if the wild populations have any of the following characteristics:
Albrecht, M.A. and J. Maschinski. 2012. Influence of founder population size, propagule stages, and life history on the survival of reintroduced plant populations. Pages 171–188 in J. Maschinski and K. E. Haskins (editors). Plant Reintroduction in a Changing Climate: Promises and Perils. Island Press, Washington DC.
Albrecht, M.A., O. L Osazuwa-Peters, J. Maschinski, T. J. Bell, M.L. Bowles, W. E. Brumback, J. Duquesnel, M. Kunz, J. Lange, K. A. McCue, A. K. McEachern, S. Murray, P. Olwell, N.B. Pavlovic, C. L. Peterson, J. Possley, J. L. Randall, and S. J. Wright. 2019. Effects of life history and reproduction on recruitment time lags in reintroductions of rare plants. Conservation Biology 33:601-611.
Basey, A. C., J. B. Fant, and A. T. Kramer. 2015. Producing native plant materials for restoration: 10 rules to collect and maintain genetic diversity. Native Plants Journal 16: 37–52.
Breed, M.F., P.A. Harrison, A. Bischoff, P. Durruty, N.J.C. Gellie, E.K. Gonzales, K. Havens, M. Karmann, F.F. Kilkenny, S.L. Krauss, A.J. Lowe, P. Marques, P.G. Nevill, P.L. Vitt, and A. Bucharova. 2018. Priority actions to improve provenance decision-making. Bioscience 68:510–516.
Brown, A. D. H., and D. R. Marshall. 1995. A basic sampling strategy: theory and practice. Collecting plant genetic diversity: technical guidelines. CABI, Wallingford, UK: 75–91.
Center for Plant Conservation. 1991. Genetic sampling guidelines for conservation collections of endangered plants. Page 225–238 in D. A. Falk and K. E. Holsinger, editors. Genetics and conservation of rare plants. Oxford University Press, New York.
Crossa, J., and R. Vencovsky. 2011. Chapter 5: Basic sampling strategies: theory and practice. Page 1–28 in L. Guarino, V. Ramanatha Rao, and R. Reid, editors. Collecting plant genetic diversity: technical guidelines. Wallingford: CAB International on behalf of IPGRI in association with FAO, IUCN, and UNEP, Wallingford, UK.
Dalrymple, S.E., E. Banks, G.B. Stewart, and A. S. Pullin. 2012. A meta-anlysis of threatened plant reintroduction from across the globe. Pages 31- 52 in J. Maschinski and K. E. Haskins (editors). Plant Reintroduction in a Changing Climate: Promises and Perils. Island Press, Washington DC.
DeMauro, M. M. 1993. Relationship of breeding system to rarity in the Lakeside Daisy (Hymenoxys acaulis var.glabra). Conservation Biology 7: 542–550.
Ellegren, H., and N. Galtier. 2016. Determinants of genetic diversity. Nature Reviews 17: 422–433.
Falk, D. A., and K. E. Holsinger. 1991. Genetics and conservation of rare plants. Oxford University Press, New York.
Falk, D. A., C. I. Millar, and M. Olwell. 1996. Restoring diversity: strategies for reintroduction of endangered plants. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Fant, J. B., K. Havens, A. T. Kramer, S. K. Walsh, T. Callicrate, R. C. Lacy, M. Maunder, A. Hird Meyer, and P. P. Smith. 2016. What to do when we can’t bank on seeds: what botanic gardens can learn from the zoo community about conserving plants in living collections. American Journal of Botany 103: 1–3.
Frankham, R., J. D. Ballou, M. D. B. Eldridge, R. C. Lacy, K. Ralls, M. R. Dudash, and C. B. Fenster. 2011. Predicting the probability of outbreeding depression. Conservation Biology 25:465–475.
Frankham, R. 2015. Genetic rescue of small inbred populations: meta-analysis reveals large and consistent benefits of gene flow. Molecular Ecology 24:2610–2618.
Funk, W. C., J. K. McKay, P. A. Hohenlohe, and F. W. Allendorf. 2012. Harnessing genomics for delineating conservation units. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27:489–496.
Griffith, M. P., M. Calonje, A. W. Meerow, F. Tut, A.T. Kramer, A. Hird, T. M. Magellan, and C. E. Husby. 2015. Can a botanic garden cycad collection capture the genetic diversity in a wild population? International Journal of Plant Sciences 176: 1–10.
Guerrant, E. O., Jr. 1996. Designing populations: demographic, genetic, and horticultural dimensions. Pages 171–207 in D. A. Falk, C. I. Millar, and M .Olwell, editors. Restoring diversity: strategies for reintroduction of endangered species. Island Press, Covelo, California.
Guerrant, E. O., Jr., K. Havens, and M. Maunder, editors. 2004a. Ex situ plant conservation: supporting species survival in the wild. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Guerrant, E.O., Jr., P. L. Fiedler, K. Havens, and M. Maunder. 2004b. Revised genetic sampling guidelines for conservation collections of rare and endangered plants. Pages 419–441 in E.O.Guerrant, Jr., K. Havens, and M. Maunder, editors. Ex situ plant conservation: supporting species survival in the wild. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Guerrant, E. O., Jr., K. Havens, and P. Vitt. 2014. Sampling for effective ex situ plant conservation. International Journal of Plant Sciences 175: 11–20.
Havens, K., E. O. Guerrant, Jr., M. Maunder, and P. Vitt. 2004. Guidelines for ex situ conservation collection management. Pages 454–473 in Guerrant, E. O., Jr., K. Havens, and M. Maunder, editors. Ex situ plant conservation: supporting species survival in the wild. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Havens, K., P. Vitt, S. Still, A. T. Kramer, J. B. Fant, and K. Schatz. 2015. Seed sourcing for restoration in an era of climate change. Natural Areas Journal 35: 122–133.
Hoban, S., and S. Schlarbaum. 2014. Optimal sampling of seeds from plant populations for ex situ conservation of genetic biodiversity, considering realistic population structure. Biological Conservation 177:90–99.
Hoban, S., and A. Strand. 2015. Ex situ seed collections will benefit from considering spatial sampling design and species’ reproductive biology. Biological Conservation 187:181–191.
Kramer, A. T., T. E. Wood, S. Frischie, and K. Havens. 2018. Considering ploidy when producing and using mixed-source native plant materials for restoration. Restoration Ecology 26:13–19.
Maschinski, J., D. A. Falk, S.J. Wright, J. Possley, J. Roncal, and K. S. Wendelberger. 2012. Optimal Locations for Plant Reintroductions in a Changing World. Pages 109–129 in J. Maschinski and K. E. Haskins (editors). Plant Reintroduction in a Changing Climate: Promises and Perils. Island Press, Washington DC.
Maschinski, J., S.J. Wright, S Koptur, E Pinto-Torres. 2013. When Is Local the Best Paradigm? Breeding history influences Conservation Reintroduction Survival and Trajectories in times of Extreme Climate Events. Biological Conservation 159:277–284.
McKay, J. K., C.E. Christian, S. Harrison, and K. J. Rice. 2005. ‘How local is local? A review of practical and conceptual issues in the genetics of restoration. Restoration Ecology 13:432–40.
Menges, E. S., E.O. Guerrant, Jr, and S. Hamze. 2004. Effects of seed collection on the extinction risk of perennial plants. Pages 305–324 in E.O. Guerrant, Jr., K. Havens, and M. Maunder, editors. Ex situ plant conservation: supporting species survival in the wild. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Menges, E. S., S. A. Smith, and C. W. Weekley. 2016. Adaptive introductions: how multiple experiments and comparisons to wild populations provide insights into requirements for long-term introduction success of an endangered shrub. Plant Diversity 38:238–246.
Neale, J. R. 2012. Genetic considerations in rare plant reintroduction: practical applications (or how are we doing?) Pages 71–88 in J. Maschinski and K. E. Haskins,editors. Plant reintroduction in a changing climate: promises and perils. Island Press, Washington DC.
Ottewell, K. M., D.C. Bickerton, M. Byrne and A.J. Lowe. 2016. Bridging the gap: a genetic assessment framework for population-level threatened plant conservation prioritization and decision-making. Diversity and Distributions 22:174–188.
Reichard, S., H. Liu, and C. Husby. 2012. Managed relocation of rare plants another pathway for biological invasions? Pages 243–262 in J. Maschinski and K. E. Haskins, editors. Plant reintroduction in a changing climate: promises and perils. Island Press, Washington DC.
Richards, C. M., D. A. Falk, and A. M. Montalvo. 2016. Population and ecological genetics in restoration ecology. Pages 123–152 in M. A. Palmer, J. B. Zedler, and D.A. Falk, editors. Foundations of restoration ecology. Island Press, Washington, DC.
Rinaldo, A. R. and M. Ayliffe 2015. Gene targeting and editing in crop plants: a new era of precision opportunities. Molecular Breeding 35:40. doi:10.1007/s11032-015-0210-z.
Schoen, D. J., and A. H. D. Brown. 1991. Intraspecific variation in population gene diversity and effective population size correlates with the mating system in plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88 (10): 4494–97. doi:10.1073/pnas.88.10.4494.
Shafer, A. B. A., J. B. W. Wolf, P. C. Alves, L. Bergstrom, M. W. Bruford, I. Brannstrom, G. Colling, L. Dalen, L. De Meester, R. Ekblom, K. D. Fawcett, S. Fior, M. Hajibabaei, J. A. Hill, A. Rus Hoezel, J. Hoglund, E. L. Jensen, J. Krause, T. N. Kristensen, M. Krutzen, J. K. McKay, A. J. Norman, R. Ogden, E. Martin Osterling, N. Joop Ouborg, J. Piccolo, D. Popovic , C. R. Primmer, F. A. Reed, M. Roumet, J. Salmona, T. Schenekar, M. K.
Schwartz, G. Segelbacher, H. Senn., J. Thaulow, M. Valtonen., A. Veale., P. Vergeer, N. Vijay, C. Vila, M.Weissensteiner, L. Wennerstrom, C. W. Wheat, and P. Zielinski. 2015. Genomics and the challenging translation into conservation practice. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 30:78–87.
Vitt, P., P. N. Belmaric, R. Book and M. Curran. 2016. Assisted migration as a climate change adaptation strategy: lessons from restoration and plant reintroductions. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences DOI: 10.1080/07929978.2016.1258258
Volk, G. M., D. R. Lockwood, and C. M. Richards. 2007. Wild plant sampling strategies: the roles of ecology and evolution. Plant Breeding Review 29:285–313.
White, L. C., K. E. Moseby, V. A. Thomson, S. C. Donnellan, and J. J. Austin. 2018. Long-term genetic consequences of mammal reintroductions into an Australian conservation reserve. Biological Conservation 219:1–11.