Protecting Rare and Endangered Plants of the Limestone Barrens of Newfoundland

Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden (MUNBG,) in conjunction with the Limestone Barrens Species at Risk Recovery Team, plays a crucial role in the maintaining of ex situ populations of rare Newfoundland plants. Our rare plants are confined primarily to the limestone barrens region of the Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland. This small region only comprises 1.7% of Newfoundland’s surface area yet is home to 35 provincially rare plant species, three of which are endemic. MUNBG is focused on the recovery efforts of Barren’s willow (Salix jejuna, endemic, COSEWIC status endangered), Long’s Braya (Braya longii, endemic, endangered plant species), Fernald’s Braya (Braya fernaldii, endemic threatened species COSEWIC status threatened), Low Northern Rockcress (Braya humilis, near endemic, COSEWIC status endangered). We maintain living plants of the salix and seed bank the seeds of the Braya species. Salix seed have a short viability so seed banking is not an option for this genus. At the request of the Endangered Species and Biodiversity/ Wildlife Division Department of Environment and Conservation, MUNBG has been asked to expand our ex situ population of provincially rare and endangered species.