Stebbins' Morning-glory / Center For Plant Conservation
Search / Plant Profile / Calystegia stebbinsii
Plant Profile

Stebbins' Morning-glory (Calystegia stebbinsii)

Photo Credit: ©2014 Aaron E. Sims and CNPS
  • Global Rank: G1 - Critically Imperiled
  • Legal Status: Federally Endangered
  • Family: Convolvulaceae
  • State: CA
  • Nature Serve ID: 144650
  • Lifeform: Vine, Forb/herb
  • Date Inducted in National Collection:

Calystegia stebbinsii, or Stebbins’ morning-glory, is a critically endangered species of morning-glory that is endemic to the Sierra Nevada foothills in central California. Blooming from mid spring through to the summer, C. stebbinsii produces cream-colored blooms (can sometimes be pink-tinged) from stems that grow about a meter tall. This species currently suffers from habitat fragmentation as a result of residential and commercial development. Other contributing factors include herbicidal spraying (which is used alongside urban development) and frequent wildfires. Due to the changes in fire frequency, C. stebbinsii has become a fire-adapted species. Meaning that their seeds require heat or mild fire damage to initiate the germination process.  

Where is Stebbins' Morning-glory (Calystegia stebbinsii) located in the wild?


Restricted to gabbroic or serpentine-derived soils, C. stebbinsii can be found in historically disturbed areas (e.g. wildfires or old roads) within the foothills of El Dorado and Tuolumne Counties. Such habitats are along the Sierra Nevada foothills in clearings within chaparral or oak woodland communities.


This species can primarily be found within El Dorado County in California. Though sparse, there are also reports of occurrences in Tuolumne County. Historically, it had also been known to grow in the far west end of Nevada adjacent to El Dorado County.

States & Provinces:

Stebbins' Morning-glory can historically be found in California

Which CPC Partners conserve Stebbins' Morning-glory (Calystegia stebbinsii)?

CPC's Plant Sponsorship Program provides long term stewardship of rare plants in our National Collection. We are so grateful for all our donors who have made the Plant Sponsorship Program so successful. We are in the process of acknowledging all our wonderful plant sponsorship donors on our website. This is a work in progress and will be updated regularly.

Conservation Actions

  • 09/01/2020
  • Orthodox Seed Banking

Based on an September 2020 extract of the California Plant Rescue Database, California Botanic Garden holds 20 accessions of Calystegia stebbinsii in orthodox seed collection. There are as many as 3418 seeds of this species in their collection - although some may have been used for curation testing or sent to back up.

  • 08/05/2020
  • Seed Collection

Based on an August 2020 extract of the California Plant Rescue Database, University of California Botanical Garden has collected 10 seed accessions of Calystegia stebbinsii from 5 plant occurrences listed in the California Natural Diversity Database. These collections together emcompass 349 maternal plants

  • 08/05/2020
  • Seed Collection

Based on an August 2020 extract of the California Plant Rescue Database, California Botanic Garden has collected 6 seed accessions of Calystegia stebbinsii from 5 plant occurrences listed in the California Natural Diversity Database. These collections together emcompass 294 maternal plants

  • 01/01/2010

development off-road vehicles one or more of the following: urbanization and the ensuing habitat fragmentation, inadequate regulatory mechanisms, road construction and maintenance, herbicide spraying, change in fie frequency, off-road vehicle us

  • 01/01/2010

< 10 sites (1 isolated BLM site, others unprotected) occurs in two localized areas. Most occurrences are discontinuously scattered within two population centers in the northern and southern portions of the Pine Hill intrusion


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Taxon Calystegia stebbinsii
Authority Brummitt
Family Convolvulaceae
CPC Number 706
ITIS 30697
Duration Perennial
Common Names Stebbins' Morning-glory | Stebbins' false bindweed | El Dorado morning-glory
Associated Scientific Names Calystegia stebbinsii
Distribution This species can primarily be found within El Dorado County in California. Though sparse, there are also reports of occurrences in Tuolumne County. Historically, it had also been known to grow in the far west end of Nevada adjacent to El Dorado County.
State Rank
State State Rank
California S1
Ecological Relationships


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