National Collection Spotlight: Sand Flax

Sand Flax (Linum arenicola) is a critically imperiled species endemic to southern Florida. There are 13 known extant occurrences of this rare species, and it is listed as Endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. Linum arenicola lives predominantly in southern Florida’s pine rocklands, which have seen widespread development and land conversion. Because of this, habitat loss and fragmentation are major concerns for this rare plant.
Linum arenicola is secured in the CPC National Collection at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, where the species is held in orthodox seed banking. When collecting seed from this species from wild populations, conservation scientists at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden needed to make several trips to the few plants remaining in wild populations. Due to the small size of the plants, their sporadic flowering, and their minimal seed production, repeated trips were required to gather adequate amounts of seed.
Learn more about conservation actions taken for Sand Flax on its National Collection Plant Profile, and help support critical conservation work for this species with a Plant Sponsorship.