Plant Conservation Alliance

CPC institution Code: PCA

The Plant Conservation Alliance (PCA) is a public-private partnership among 12 federal agency Members and over 350 non-federal Cooperators that share the same goal: to protect native plants by ensuring that native plant populations and their communities are maintained, enhanced, and restored. Join the PCA Email List! PCA Members and Cooperators work collaboratively to solve the problems of native plant conservation and native habitat restoration, ensuring the sustainability of our ecosystems. In 2015 PCA developed the National Seed Strategy for Rehabilitation and Restoration to address widespread shortages of native seed. The depth and strength of PCA is in the scientific expertise, networking, and the ability to pool resources to protect, conserve, and restore our national plant heritage for generations to come. To accomplish its goals, PCA has a National Framework for Progress in Plant Conservation that is carried out by a Federal Committee, a Non-Federal Cooperators Committee and five working groups.

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Peggy Olwell
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