Brooklyn Botanic Garden

CPC institution Code: BKG
Claytonia virginica var. hammondiae

Brooklyn Botanic Garden is an urban botanic garden that connects people to the world of plants, fostering delight and curiosity while inspiring an appreciation and sense of stewardship of the environment. In the Garden, in its community, and well beyond, BBG inspires people of all ages through the conservation, display, and enjoyment of plants; with educational programs that emphasize learning by doing; and with research focused on understanding and conserving regional plants and plant communities.

Institution Species List Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Taxon Family Global Rank Legal Status Sponsorship Status
Aeschynomene virginica Fabaceae G2 LT Sponsored
Narthecium americanum Liliaceae G2 Sponsored
Rhynchospora knieskernii Cyperaceae G2 LT Sponsored
Schwalbea americana Orobanchaceae G2 LE Sponsored
Pyxidanthera barbulata Diapensiaceae G4 Sponsored
Claytonia virginica var. hammondiae Portulacaceae T1

Conservation Contacts

Adrian Benepe
Rowan Blaik
VP of Horticulture
Elizabeth Reina-Longoria
Director of Marketing and Communications
Conservation Contacts ADD NEW DELETE ALL Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Name Title Group Phone Email Privacy Settings Priority Contact ID Priority Input
President 100
VP of Horticulture 100
Executive Assistant to the President 100
Director of Marketing and Communications 100