Home Forum topic Conventional Seed Banking Issues with collecting seed in National Parks?

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    Kimiora WardSubscriber


    I’m currently working on an analysis of National Park policy to determine if improvements could be made to greater facilitate native plant conservation through seed banking. I know of several examples where issues of ownership of seed collected from parks, public disclosure of seed collection locations and/or the theoretical potential for commercialization of progeny have prevented conservationists from collecting and banking seed from parks.  I’d like to document how frequently park policy represents a barrier. Please share any examples of issues you have encountered when trying to conduct conservation collections from National Parks.

    Thank you!

    Hanna Rosner-KatzCPC Conservation Officer


    I am not sure if you are still collecting information on this topic but we have at least one example of this situation here in Florida. Feel free to contact me at hrosnerkatz@fnai.fsu.edu for more info and/or if you have any suggestions on how to circumvent this issue.

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