The State Botanical Garden of Georgia

CPC institution Code: SBGG
Echinacea laevigata

The State Botanical Garden of Georgia, like so many other North American gardens, is committed to conservation of these valuable resources and the education of children, students and the general public in the importance and the wonder of a healthy environment. We are part of the University of Georgia but, as a unit of UGAs Public Service and Outreach our audience is everyone; from tots to seniors, from Athens to Zurich, everyone is welcome and we hope everyone leaves with heightened enjoyment and appreciation of our natural world.

Institution Species List Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Taxon Family Global Rank Legal Status Sponsorship Status
Baptisia arachnifera Fabaceae G1 LE
Echinacea laevigata Asteraceae G2 LT
Silene regia Caryophyllaceae G3

Conservation Contacts

Jennifer Cruse-Sanders, Ph.D.
Jennifer Ceska
Conservation Coordinator
Heather Alley
Conservation Horticulturist
Zach Wood
Grasslands Coordinator
Will Rogers
Conservation Research Specialist
James (Mincy) Moffett, Jr., Ph.D.
Laurel Clark
Communications Coordinator
Conservation Contacts ADD NEW DELETE ALL Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Name Title Group Phone Email Privacy Settings Priority Contact ID Priority Input
Director 1
Conservation Coordinator 2
Conservation Horticulturist 3
Grasslands Coordinator 4
Conservation Research Specialist 5
Biologist 100
Communications Coordinator 100