Platanthera chapmanii Conservation

Working with multiple partners since 2016, Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens has surveyed for new and monitored known populations of P. chapmanii in NE Florida. JZG works with stakeholders to not only identify land management strategies that ensure P. chapmanii is allowed to persist in these locations, but also has an opportunity to reproduce. This typically includes the reduction of mowing, exclusion of herbicide, and removal of woody vegetation that may shade out P. chapmanii. If it is possible to apply fire to the landscape we encourage that solution for maintenance, but if fire isn’t an option, mowing once a year in the winter works pretty well also. In the areas that have come under the new management plans, we have seen a dramatic increase of flowering individuals over the years. Moving forward we will continue to survey and monitor this species, but we will also be starting maternal line tracked seed collection so that we can get high conservation value germplasm into ex situ safeguarding.