3D Printing Your Solution

At times, many conservationists have issues with finding the exact part that fits their needs and even if it’s found, due to the niche it fills, it is often expensive or out of stock. Need an organizer for your GPS devices? Good luck. Best to use a bathroom organizer as a stand in for now. How about a spare screw for the PCR workstation cabinet in the lab? To get a specialty screw costs too much – better use some glue and hope for the best. Does your organization provide water bottles without a lid? Well, the manufacturer of said bottles doesn’t make a cap, so tape and rubber band it is. Whether it is in the field, laboratory, or office, the struggle is real. To counter these problems, we at SDBG have engineered the solution – a 3D printed one. From designing to prototyping and delivery, 3D printing has aided us in solving many of our issues for pennies on the dollar, and we hope that our findings will help inspire you to print your solutions as well.