Yadkin River Goldenrod / Center For Plant Conservation
Search / Plant Profile / Solidago plumosa
Plant Profile

Yadkin River Goldenrod (Solidago plumosa)

Solidago plumosa flower Photo Credit: Michael Kunz
  • Global Rank: G1 - Critically Imperiled
  • Legal Status: N/A
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • State: NC
  • Nature Serve ID: 131999
  • Lifeform: Forb/herb
  • Date Inducted in National Collection:

Where is Yadkin River Goldenrod (Solidago plumosa) located in the wild?

States & Provinces:

Yadkin River Goldenrod can historically be found in North Carolina

Which CPC Partners conserve Yadkin River Goldenrod (Solidago plumosa)?

CPC's Plant Sponsorship Program provides long term stewardship of rare plants in our National Collection. We are so grateful for all our donors who have made the Plant Sponsorship Program so successful. We are in the process of acknowledging all our wonderful plant sponsorship donors on our website. This is a work in progress and will be updated regularly.

Conservation Actions

Michael Kunz
  • 11/30/2021
  • Seed Collection

To help conserve Solidago plumosa (Yadkin River Goldenrod), a species known from a single site, the North Carolina Botanical Garden has embarked on updating seed collections of this rare species.  After several unsuccessful attempts over the last several years (missed timing, flooding, etc.), we were finally successful in the fall of 2021 in collecting 14,000 seeds representing 50 maternal lines.  A portion of these seeds will be used in the cooperative IMLS seed longevity study.  The remainder are stored to NCBG and NLGRP.  This collection would not have bee possible without the support of CPC and in cooperation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Cube Hydro.

Center for Plant Conservation
  • 08/20/2021
  • Orthodox Seed Banking

In 2021, CPC contracted North Carolina Botanical Garden to recollect seed from a population currently held in long term orthodox seed storage as part of an IMLS-funded seed longevity experiment. The National Laboratory for Genetic Resources Preservation will evaluate how germination tested viability and RNA Integrity of seed lots decline over time in storage.

Nature Serve Biotics
  • 05/02/2017

Known only from two nearby populations in small flood-scour areas between dammed pools along one river in North Carolina. Until it was rediscovered at the type locality in 1994, the species had not been seen in 100 years and was feared extinct. Large areas nearby had been inundated by a dam, but these two populations remained intact and should now be protected from future threats. Current threats include alteration of historical (pre-impoundment) flow regimes; alteration of habitat and potential loss of individuals through lead and PCB remediation work scheduled for 2009; additional alteration of habitat and competition with non-native invasive plant species; and some potential threats from recreational use of the river corridor.

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Taxon Solidago plumosa
Authority Small
Family Asteraceae
CPC Number 7708
ITIS 36291
Duration Perennial
Common Names Yadkin River goldenrod | plumed goldenrod
Associated Scientific Names Solidago plumosa
State Rank
State State Rank
North Carolina S1
Ecological Relationships


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