Wireweed / Center For Plant Conservation
Search / Plant Profile / Polygonella basiramia
Plant Profile

Wireweed (Polygonella basiramia)

This plant produces up to 30 flowering stalks, each of which produces numerous white to pink flowers from the top downwards. Photo Credit: © Billy B. Boothe
  • Global Rank: G3 - Vulnerable
  • Legal Status: Federally Endangered
  • Family: Polygonaceae
  • State: FL
  • Nature Serve ID: 159230
  • Lifeform: Subshrub, Forb/herb
  • Date Inducted in National Collection: 08/12/1987

This short-lived, herbaceous perennial is endemic to the central ridges of the Florida peninsula. It is found in sand pine scrub habitat, and requires periodic disturbance, such as fire, to maintain this habitat in the correct conditions for the survival and persistence of the species. This plant is identifiable by its production of 7 to 30 thin, red or green, upright stems that grow to 0.8 meters tall. The leaves are small and hair-like. Leaves and stems range in color from red to deep green, although red coloration appears to be associated with plants found in bright sunlight as well as in older plants and seedlings. White to pinkish-sepaled flowers are borne in panicles beginning in September and continuing through October. Plants have either all female flowers or all perfect flowers. Flowering begins at the top of the panicle and moves down so that flowers and seeds are present together. Flowers are small, white to slightly pink with 5 sepals and no petals, pink pistils, and black anthers. The fruit is a three-sided achene that is 1 - 3 mm in length.

Where is Wireweed (Polygonella basiramia) located in the wild?


Polygonella basiramia most commonly occurs in gaps in rosemary phase of sand pine scrub (USFWS 1999) and high pineland. It is found on ridges and knolls, and largely restricted to white sands of the St. Lucie and Archbold soil series (NatureServe 2001).Many species are found in gaps with P. basaramia. It is typically found with herbs, grasses, lichens and shrubs such as such as Cladonia spp., Calamintha ashei, Cnidosculus stimulosus, Eryngium cuneifolium, Euphorbia floridana, Hypericum cumulicola, Lechea cernua, L. deckertii, Licania michauxii, Paronychia chartacea, Polanisia tenuifolia, Polygonella polygama, P. robusta, Selagniella arenicola, and Stipulicida setacea.


Endemic to three ridges in central Florida (USFWS 1999): Lake Wales, Winter Haven, and Avon Park Bombing Range ridges (Hawkes and Menges 1995) of Highlands and Polk Counties (Coile 2000). Florida Na

States & Provinces:

Wireweed can historically be found in Florida

Which CPC Partners conserve Wireweed (Polygonella basiramia)?

CPC's Plant Sponsorship Program provides long term stewardship of rare plants in our National Collection. We are so grateful for all our donors who have made the Plant Sponsorship Program so successful. We are in the process of acknowledging all our wonderful plant sponsorship donors on our website. This is a work in progress and will be updated regularly.

Conservation Actions

Tina Stanley
  • 05/11/2023
  • Orthodox Seed Banking

According to a March 2023 extract of the Florida Plant Rescue Database, Bok Tower Gardens holds 5 accessions of Polygonella basiramia totalling approximately 67138 seeds.

  • 09/23/2020
  • Propagation Research

Hawkes and Menges (1995) studied density and seed production of this species in relation to open sand and time since fire.

Nature Serve Biotics
  • 05/02/2017

This species is locally abundant. The Florida Natural Areas Inventory currently contains 142 occurrence records, scattered in Polk and Highlands counties, Florida.

Dorothy M. Brazis
  • 01/01/2010

Principal cause of decline is conversion of scrub habitat for agriculture (principally citrus groves and cattle ranches), and for commercial, residential, and recreational purposes. Invasive exotic vegetation. Fire suppression and lack of disturbance

Dorothy M. Brazis
  • 01/01/2010

Florida Natural Areas Inventory lists 142 occurrences in Highlands and Polk Counties (NatureServe 2001). Protected sites include Catfish Creek, Lake Arbuckle State Preserve, and Saddle Blanket Lakes, Highlands Hammock State Park, Flamingo Villas, Placid Lakes, Archbold Biological Station, Lake Apthorpe, and the west side of Lake June in Winter.

Dorothy M. Brazis
  • 01/01/2010

Bea Pace is monitoring this species at Saddle Blanket Preserve. Archbold is studying the demographics of this species. Hawkes and Menges (1995) studied density and seed production of this species in relation to open sand and time since fire.

Dorothy M. Brazis
  • 01/01/2010

Using fire or mechanical disturbance to manage the habitats occupied by Polygonella basiramia.

Dorothy M. Brazis
  • 01/01/2010

Conservation of Polygonella basiramia requires disturbances to create gaps. Prescribed fire or brush removal is needed to keep the vegetation open. Map and survey populations to determine current distribution. Monitor existing populations. Protect and enhance existing populations. Conduct research on life history characteristics. Use of fire or mechanical disturbance to manage the habitats occupied by Polygonella basiramia. Educate the public. Prevent degradation of existing habitat and restore areas to suitable habitat. Research the response of P. basiramia to various land management practices. Monitor habitat/ecological processes.

Dorothy M. Brazis
  • 01/01/2010

Conserve germplasm. Maintain conservation garden.


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Taxon Polygonella basiramia
Authority (Small) G.L. Nesom & V.M. Bates
Family Polygonaceae
CPC Number 6483
ITIS 195641
Duration Annual
Common Names Florida jointweed | purple wireweed | wireweed
Associated Scientific Names Polygonella basiramia | Polygonella ciliata var. basiramia | Delopyrum basiramia | Delopyrum basiramium
Distribution Endemic to three ridges in central Florida (USFWS 1999): Lake Wales, Winter Haven, and Avon Park Bombing Range ridges (Hawkes and Menges 1995) of Highlands and Polk Counties (Coile 2000). Florida Na
State Rank
State State Rank
Florida S3
Ecological Relationships

Common Name Name in Text Association Type Source InteractionID
Mining bees Perdita polygonellae Confirmed Pollinator Link
Sweat bees Small Halictid bees Confirmed Pollinator Link
Cellophane bees Colletes mandibularis Floral Visitor Link
Mining bees Perdita polygonellae Floral Visitor Link
Sweat bees Agapostemon splendens Floral Visitor Link
Sweat bees Augochlorella gratiosa Floral Visitor Link
Sweat bees Augochloropsis anonyma Floral Visitor Link
Sweat bees Dialictus miniatulus Floral Visitor Link
Sweat bees Dialictus nymphalis Floral Visitor Link
Leaf-cutting bees Megachile brevis pseudobrevis Floral Visitor Link
Bee flies Bombyliidae Confirmed Pollinator Link
Potter wasps Eumenidae Confirmed Pollinator Link

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