Etonia Rosemary / Center For Plant Conservation
Search / Plant Profile / Conradina etonia
Plant Profile

Etonia Rosemary (Conradina etonia)

Etonia rosemary has small narrow leaves and pink-lavender flowers. Photo Credit: Kay Maddox
  • Global Rank: G1 - Critically Imperiled
  • Legal Status: Federally Endangered
  • Family: Lamiaceae
  • State: FL
  • Nature Serve ID: 140528
  • Lifeform: Shrub
  • Date Inducted in National Collection: 03/05/1993

Conradina species are aromatic shrubs with small narrow leaves, similar to the herb rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Etonia rosemary (Conradina etonia) is a short-lived woody perennial, with mature plants living several years before declining. This species flowers in the summer, producing pink-lavender lobed flowers with dotted lower petals. These beautiful flowers attract many insect visitors, including bees and butterflies. Etonia rosemary is the most narrowly distributed species of Conradina. It occurs only in one county in Florida (Putnam) in sand pine scrub in the Etonia Creek region. This plant differs from other woody mints in the area by its strongly bent flower tube and hairy lower leaf surface (FNAI 2000). The region where it is found is of interest because many species more typical of southern scrub (Perea humilis, Ilex cumulicola, Garberia fruticosa for example) are found at their northern limits here. When this species was listed as federally endangered in 1993, it was only found at two sites in the wild, both in Putnam County, Florida. At this time, both sites were on privately owned land that had either been subdivided for residential development, or approved for development.

Where is Etonia Rosemary (Conradina etonia) located in the wild?


Etoniah rosemary is found in Florida scrub vegetation with sand pine and shrubby evergreen oaks (USFWS 1992). It requires sparse overstory and is seen along road edges and openings in white sand soils (FNAI 2000).


Conradina etonia is endemic to Putnam County in northern Florida (FNAI 2000).

States & Provinces:

Etonia Rosemary can historically be found in Florida

Which CPC Partners conserve Etonia Rosemary (Conradina etonia)?

CPC's Plant Sponsorship Program provides long term stewardship of rare plants in our National Collection. We are so grateful for all our donors who have made the Plant Sponsorship Program so successful. We are in the process of acknowledging all our wonderful plant sponsorship donors on our website. This is a work in progress and will be updated regularly.

Conservation Actions

Tina Stanley
  • 05/11/2023
  • Orthodox Seed Banking

According to a March 2023 extract of the Florida Plant Rescue Database, Bok Tower Gardens holds 5 accessions of Conradina etonia totalling approximately 634 seeds.

  • 09/03/2020
  • Living Collection

Historic Bok Sanctuary (formerly Bok Tower Gardens), in Lake Wales, Florida has the species in cultivation.

  • 09/03/2020
  • Propagation Research

Dr. Russel Weigel, at the Florida Institute of Technology, has researched the in vitro propagation of this species (Peterson & Weigel 2002)

  • 09/03/2020
  • Tissue Culture

Dr. Russel Weigel, at the Florida Institute of Technology, has researched the in vitro propagation of this species (Peterson & Weigel 2002)

Nature Serve Biotics
  • 05/02/2017

This species, endemic to Putnam Co. in northeastern Florida, has a limited geographic distribution and small population sizes. Fire suppression, and imminent development threatens the habitat.

S.K. Maddox and Tammera Race
  • 01/01/2010

Threats include: Development for residential housing Horticultural collection Continued loss of habitat due to invasive species or lack of natural processes, such as fire. (USFWS 1992)

S.K. Maddox and Tammera Race
  • 01/01/2010

There are fewer than 1,000 plants known in the wild, all located in Etoniah Creek State Forest and vicinity. Historic Bok Sanctuary (formerly Bok Tower Gardens), in Lake Wales, Florida has the species in cultivation.

S.K. Maddox and Tammera Race
  • 01/01/2010

Dr. Russel Weigel, at the Florida Institute of Technology, has researched the in vitro propagation of this species (Peterson & Weigel 2002)

S.K. Maddox and Tammera Race
  • 01/01/2010

None known.

S.K. Maddox and Tammera Race
  • 01/01/2010

Survey all scrub communities in the vicinity of Etoniah Creek State Forest. Conduct studies to determine effects of fire. Institute fire plan based on results. (FNAI 2000).

S.K. Maddox and Tammera Race
  • 01/01/2010

Conserve germplasm.


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Taxon Conradina etonia
Authority Kral & McCartney
Family Lamiaceae
CPC Number 13368
ITIS 506909
Duration Perennial
Common Names Etonia rosemary | Eton rosemary | Etoniah rosemary
Associated Scientific Names Conradina etonia
Distribution Conradina etonia is endemic to Putnam County in northern Florida (FNAI 2000).
State Rank
State State Rank
Florida S1
Ecological Relationships


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