Home Forum topic Announcements New Resource for Understanding Seed Longevity

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  • #20207
    Dustin WolkisCPC Conservation Officer

    Aloha CPC!

    I just wanted to share this new paper published open access which demonstrates a method for modeling seed longevity using the free software R to fit the seed viability equation. Before thisĀ  publication, no comprehensive “how-to” guidance was available. We provide R code for three scenarios; 1) fitting a single survival curve, for a single seed lot stored in a constant storage environment; 2) for fitting multiple survival curves and evaluating the effect of constraining parameters for the different treatments/species/accessions; and 3), to model the moisture relations of seed longevity. The methods outlined in the paper can also be applied to model the longevity of pollen and fern/bryophyte spores. We hope this resource will be valuable for those interested in seed longevity, including seed bank managers/curators, species managers, and land managers.


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