Home Forum topic Conventional Seed Banking How many seeds can I take from a single individual if only a few plants have available seed?

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    Kim TaylorCPC Conservation Officer

    Only a few plants in a population have seed available for collection. Can I take all of the seed from a single plant or should I only collect 10% of the seed from that plant?

    Sean HobanCPC Conservation Officer

    To my knowledge the best practice is to be very cautious and take no more than 10% of the seed to allow for in situ regeneration.  It would be best to collect a little seed from each fruiting individual rather than all your seed from one plant. 

    Joyce MaschinskiCPC Conservation Officer

    It may also depend what you specified in your permit. Ideally take no more than 10% from an individual plant. But if this is a very rare plant (less than 50 individuals in population) with imminent extirpation it may be appropriate to collect as much seed as possible as “emergency rescue.”


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