Registration for the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation Conference (GPPC) International Plant Conservation Conference is now OPEN and is FREE! The conference will take place from 12th – 14th March 2025 at Missouri Botanical Garden in St Louis and ABSTRACT SUBMISSION IS NOW OPEN.
All information regarding registration and abstract submission is now available on the conference website:
An international conference of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC) is being organized in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Botanic Gardens Conservation International. This conference will bring together plant conservation scientists, policymakers, and practitioners from across the world to consider the new goals of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), and its Complementary Actions, contributing to the achievement of the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
The conference will attract a wide range of participants to share their experiences and further the development of plant conservation practices actions and initiatives. The results of the conference and the workshops will be provided to the CBD as a contribution from the GPPC and the international plant conservation community towards plans for GSPC implementation, contributing to the attainment of the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity and the targets of the 2030 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
The abstract template can be downloaded from the conference website and should be sent to once completed. Submission deadline is 1st February. Please note you have to submit a registration form if you wish to submit an abstract. Abstracts can be submitted for presentations, symposia, workshops and discussion groups. For workshops, please identify the length of workshop you require (max 90 minutes), a brief overview of the structure of the workshop and your planned outcomes. As we prepare for a new stage of implementation of the GSPC we encourage all abstracts to illustrate which GSPC Action they are aligned with, as well as present visions and next steps until 2030.