Plant Conservation Expert
Center for Plant Conservation
The Center for Plant Conservation (CPC) is a not-for-profit organization consisting of a network of more than 50 institutions with the mission to conserve and restore the rare native plants of the United States and Canada. CPC represents a one-of-a-kind network of conservation partners, collectively known as CPC Participating Institutions (PIs), that collaboratively work to save the imperiled plants of the United States and Canada. CPC PIs maintain the CPC National Collection of Endangered Plants, a living conservation collection of imperiled plants, by working to collect and manage living seeds and plants, advancing the understanding of threats as well as means to save these species, and by communicating with partners within the CPC network to ensure that all are using the best and most up-to-date means possible to Save Plants.
CPC is coordinated by a national office and guided by a volunteer board of trustees. By developing standards and protocols and conducting conservation programs in horticulture, research, restoration, and raising awareness, CPC’s network is striving to save America’s rarest plants from being lost forever.