The North Carolina Arboretum

CPC institution Code: NCA
Conradina verticillata

The North Carolina Arboretum is a 426-acre public garden located within the Bent Creek Research and Demonstration Forest of the Pisgah National Forest. Surrounded by the dense folds of the botanically diverse Southern Appalachian Mountains, the Arboretum is nestled in one of the most beautiful natural garden settings in America. A center for education, research, conservation and economic development, and garden demonstration, the Arboretum offers a wide range of activities for visitors of all ages.

Institution Species List Download CSV DOWNLOAD
Taxon Family Global Rank Legal Status Sponsorship Status
Cardamine micranthera Brassicaceae G2 LE
Carex roanensis Cyperaceae G3
Conradina verticillata Lamiaceae G3 LT Sponsored
Crataegus harbisonii Rosaceae G1
Geum radiatum Rosaceae G2 LE
Houstonia purpurea var. montana Rubiaceae T2 LE Sponsored
Hudsonia montana Cistaceae G1 LT
Rhododendron austrinum Ericaceae G3
Shortia galacifolia Diapensiaceae G3
Sisyrinchium dichotomum Iridaceae G2 LE

Conservation Contacts

Drake Fowler
George Briggs
Executive Director
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