Home Forum topic Propagation, Germination Testing, & Horticulture Solidago squarrosa germination techniques

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    Chandler BryantSubscriber

    Does anyone have experience with seed treatments and/or tips for germination of Solidago squarrosa?

    Daniel BallesterosSubscriber

    We have worked at CREW with other Solidago species from the US (e.g. S. ohioensis, S. shortii, S. odora), and cold moist stratification for 6 to 8 weeks worked pretty well. When we had low germination was due to empty seeds.

    Cheryl BirkerCPC Conservation Officer

    I haven’t worked with Solidago squarrosa, but my Solidago spectabilis and Solidago velutina ssp. californica seed collections germinated well (71% and 75%, respectively), on agar with no treatment. 

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    Chandler BryantSubscriber

    Thank you! I will report back any findings for this species.

    Meg EngelhardtCPC Conservation Officer

    Looks like Kew had good results at 25C – http://data.kew.org/sid/SidServlet?ID=47724&Num=1DJ

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