Apply for Plant Conservation Fellowships
Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship
Each year, The Garden Club of America (GCA) and the CPC together award the Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship to graduate students in biology, horticulture, or a related field. The purpose of the award is “to promote conservation of rare and endangered flora in the United States, with preference given to students whose projects focus on the endangered flora of the Carolinas and southeastern United States.” The fellowship was established to honor Catherine H. Beattie who served as a director and board member of the GCA and served as president from 1981 to 1983. The first fellowship was given by the Fullerton Foundation in 1983.
Provisions: Provides one annual research grant of up to $4,500, regarded as compensation for work at a botanical garden by the student, who jointly serves the mission of the Center for Plant Conservation and his/her/their curricular studies through the study and conservation of rare and endangered plants.
Eligibility: Open to graduate students in biology, botany, ecology, horticulture, or a related field. Preference is given to students whose projects focus on a specific rare plant species native to the United States, with special consideration for the endangered flora of the Carolinas and southeastern United States. Eligibility is limited to U.S. Citizens and permanent residents who are enrolled in a U.S. – based institution.
To apply: Please submit a project narrative detailing proposed research. Items to submit:
- one page cover letter (~400 words)
- two page (maximum) project narrative (the page limit excludes citations)
- one page project budget and timeline
- curriculum vitae
- letter of recommendation from major advisor or equivalent
Applications format: Items should be compiled in a single pdf document with items in the order listed above. Name the file “2025_Beattie_Fellowship_Application_LastName_FirstInitital.pdf” (e.g., 2025_Beattie_Fellowship_Application_Smith_J.pdf).
Deadline and email instructions: Applications should be submitted by January 31, 2025 and emailed to with “2025 Beattie Fellowship Application” in the subject line.
Selection: Selection is by a committee appointed by the Center for Plant Conservation and is approved by the GCA Scholarship Committee. Applicants will be notified by mid-March 2025.
2024 Beattie Fellows

Katie Loughran, Appalachian State University
Project: “Data from the Swamp: Uncovering the Genetic Diversity of a Federally Threatened Wetland Species, Swamp Pink (Helonias bullata)”
Data from Loughran’s study of this species will be utilized to inform future management decisions in habitat conservation.

Anna Wyngaarden, University of Georgia
Project: “Range-wide Population Dynamics of the Federally Endangered Granite Outcrop Endemic, Plantagenaceae Gratiola amphiantha”
Wyngaarden’s work will inform future habitat creation and enhancement for the tiny plant Gratiola amphiantha, commonly known as snorkelwort.

Zachary Maggard, Eastern Kentucky University
Project: “Microsatellite Development and Population Genetics of Harrisia aboriginum”
Maggard will identify a genetic profile of this endangered native cactus that will provide important information for re-establishment and breeding.
2023 Beattie Fellows

Erin Eichenberger, North Carolina State University
Project: “Investigating the Population Vital Rates and Pollinators of the Rare Southeastern Perennial Echinacea laevigata to Improve Management Recommendations.”

Madeline Bednar, Miami University
Project: “Conservation Genetics of Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis, a Petitioned Pitcher Plant of the Florida Panhandle.”