The California Native Plant Society is seeking an Assistant Field Botanist and a Conservation Intern.
The Assistant Field Botanist will survey and map California’s diverse flora and vegetation assemblages, learning different techniques for collecting field data, identifying plants to the species and subspecies level, collecting and processing native plant seeds, and vouchering plant specimens. Fieldwork will be performed for five to six months under rigorous conditions in wild areas away from roads and facilities. The deadline to apply is February 4, 2022.
The Natalie Hopkins Conservation Intern is a temporary part-time to full-time position that will support ongoing initiatives and campaigns to increase CNPS capacity to advance the conservation of California wildlands and the species and natural communities they support. The Hopkins Intern’s primary role will be to assist volunteers and program staff in advocacy related to wildfire and vegetation management by creating an annotated bibliography of peer-reviewed scientific publications. The deadline to apply is January 21, 2022.
You can view all our job openings here.
Thank you for spreading the word and supporting CNPS!Andre