To celebrate our milestone 40th anniversary, CPC invites you to sponsor a rare plant in support of our ‘40 for 40’ campaign! Our goal: to raise $200,000 to sponsor 40 plant species in the National Collection in honor of our 40 years of saving plants from extinction.
We’ve curated a special selection of rare plant species that need sponsorship as part of this 40th-anniversary campaign–highlighting the incredible beauty and diversity of North America’s rare and endangered plants. From the iconic Venus’ flytrap of the Carolinas and the charming Estuary monkeyflower of the Northeast wetlands; to the radiant White fire-wheel of Eastern Texas and the towering Torrey Pines of Southern California’s coasts–there are endangered plants that needs your support!
At the outset of our ’40 for 40′ campaign, the CPC Board of Trustees pledged $200,000 in matching funds for this special anniversary campaign. For every $5K raised per plant species, our Board of Trustees provided $5K in matching funds to bring the species to the full sponsorship level of $10K–growing the impact of each gift in support of rare and endangered plants. We are proud to have one hundred percent participation from our Board of Trustees for this match.
We are thrilled to have had such a positive response to the ’40 for 40′ campaign that we have now utilized the entirety of the Board of Trustees’ matching funds–a testament to the incredible support we have received! However, we are not stopping yet–supporters can still make a significant impact by sponsoring a plant at the $10,000 level by contributing any dollar amount. Every gift matters and helps to save plants!
Plant sponsorships play a critical role in CPC’s mission to Save Plants from extinction. When a Participating Institution (PI) accepts responsibility for a National Collection species, it makes a long-term commitment to steward the species for future generations. PIs invest significant resources and effort in securing and holding the imperiled plant material, and they advance research and new technologies on the best ways to grow, manage, and restore these rare species. To offset some of the expenses of collecting, growing, and researching these plant species, CPC created the Plant Sponsorship Program. Plant sponsorships provide the PI responsible for the named species with steady, reliable funding for long-term work. A sponsorship does not cover all the expenses, but it provides significant help and stability.
A single donor or a group of donors may sponsor a plant at the $10,000 level by contributing any dollar amount or at Premium levels by contributing $25,000, $50,000, or $100,000. Donors may designate funds to sponsor a specific species in the National Collection or may support the Plant Sponsorship Program generally, in which case CPC will direct these funds to sponsor plants in the National Collection that would benefit from sponsorship.
It is the current policy of CPC Board of Trustees that the designated PI responsible for stewarding the fully sponsored plants in the National Collection receive annual payments equal to 5% of the sponsorship levels. Specifically, payments are $500 for a $10,000 sponsorship, $1250 for a Premium $25,000 sponsorship, $2500 for a **Premium $50,000 sponsorship, and $5000 for a ***Premium $100,000 sponsorship. When a full sponsorship is accumulated at the minimum $10,000 level, payments begin the following year (funds must be deposited by September to be eligible for payment the following year). Amounts over and above the sponsorship payments support CPC’s home office activities in support of conservation and, more generally, of all plants in the National Collection.
By supporting the Plant Sponsorship Program, you are directly funding the stewardship of plants in the National Collection and aiding conservation work throughout CPC’s nationwide network.
Reasons to sponsor a plant:
Sponsor A Plant in Honor of CPC’s 40th Anniversary
Donate today to celebrate CPC’s 40th anniversary and to save rare plants in need of support! If you are interested in sponsoring a National Collection species not showcased above, please contact the CPC National Office.
The Center For Plant Conservation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization (EIN# 22-2527116) dedicated to saving rare plant species from extinction.
We thank our donors for their generosity and for celebrating the Center for Plant Conservation’s milestone 40th anniversary. Your gift makes it possible for us to Save Plants from extinction!
Cream Tick-trefoil (Desmodium ochroleucum)
Garden Club of St. Louis
Florida Scrub Bluecurls (Trichostema suffrutescens)
Jody Bush
Giant orchid (Pteroglossaspis ecristata)
Lynde Uihlein
Many-flower Grass-pink (Calopogon multiflorus)
Jody Bush
Navajo pincushion cactus (Pediocactus peeblesianus var peeblesianus)
Joyce Maschinski and Mira Peterson
Dorothy B. & John F. Shea in honor of James & Phyllis Brannen
Peck’s milkvetch (Astragalus peckii)
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Santa Monica Mountains Dudleya (Dudleya cymosa ssp. ovatifolia)
Scarlet Catchfly (Silene subciliata)
Mercer Society
Seaside gilia (Gilia millefoliata)
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Church's wild rye (Olympus churchii)
Edward K. Love Foundation
Gander's pitcher sage (Lepechinia ganderi)
Clark Mitchell in honor of Dr. Ruth Evans
Running glad clover (Trifolium calcaricum)
Clark Mitchell
Texas Golden Gladecress (Leavenworthia texana)
Polly Pierce
Torrey Pine (Pinus torreyana ssp. torreyana)
MaryJane Boland
Katie Heineman
Arizona Hedgehog Cactus (Echinocereus coccineus var. arizonicus)
Desert Botanical Garden
Key Tree Cactus (Pilosocereus robinii)
Joyce Maschinski
Arizona Willow (Salix arizonica)
Susan B. Clark
Joyce Maschinski
Ozark chinquapin (Castanea ozarkensis)
Edward K. Love Foundation
Tiny Tim (Geocarpon minimum)
Edward K. Love Foundation
Mead's milkweed (Asclepias meadii)
Edward K. Love Foundation
Rough popcorn-flower (Plagiobothrys hirtus var. hirtus)
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Oklahoma grass-pink (Calopogon oklahomensis)
Edward K. Love Foundation
Tall Larkspur (Delphinium exaltatum)
Edward K. Love Foundation
Ozark corkwood (Leitneria pilosa ssp. ozarkana)
Edward K. Love Foundation
Creeping St. John's-wort (Hypericum adpressum)
Edward K. Love Foundation
Whorled sunflower (Helianthus verticillatus)
Southeastern Grasslands Institute, Austin Peay State University
Tiburon mariposa lily (Calohortus tiburonensis)
Frank Thibodeau
Venus' Flytrap (Dionaea muscipula)
Eliot Paine
Oahu lobelia (Lobelia oahuensis)
Alexander & Anukriti Hittle
Leah Gayagas in honor of Lori Allen Ichikawa
Goodding's onion (Allium gooddingii)
Don and Mima Falk
Tiburon mariposa lily (Calochortus tiburonensis)
Frank Thibodeau
Shortleaf Dudleya (Dudleya brevifolia)
Dr. Carlos L. de la Rosa
Henry Shaw Cactus Society
Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club
Dr. Oliver Ryder
Maureen Wilmot
California Scrub Oak (Quercus dumosa)
Jo Anne Dougherty
Joseph & Judith Evans
Kenneth J. Fedesna
Holly Forbes
Lucie Keating
Cynthia Mancini
Lindsay Marshall
Joyce Maschinski
Barbara Millen
Paul & Midge Nasiaktka
Mary-Randolph Ballinger
Jane Ranz
Joseph & Diane Sidor
Lynde Uihlein
Maureen Wilmot